Monday, March 1, 2010

Technology in classrooms

"Integrating New Technology into Technical Communication Curricula"
Campbell, Jennifer. EServer TC Libary, 1997. Published by: STC Proceedings

The article I have chosen emphases the importance of having technology in classrooms, it does not necessarily talk about technology in writing, but brings up the technology that would help people to write. I just found it interesting, and it went with the topic of “technology in the classroom.”

This article talks about technology and how it is becoming a major part in the world today. Soon everyone will have to know it to get by in the world. The article suggests bringing technology in the classroom will get people ahead of the game. However, knowing what to teach and how to teach technology in classrooms is a concern. Technology takes money, equipment, and qualified instructors, also making changes to the current curriculum. Truth is innovation happens and change is going to take place. The problem with all of this is the time it will take to implement this completely; where equipment is available and teachers are properly trained.

The article suggests developing a temporary class that would teach the new technology in classrooms quickly. Essentially this would still bring on the same problems such as money, equipment, etc. However it will only need one instructor and less equipment. Here the students would learn about the Internet and word processing systems to help them with their writing. This temporary class would be similar to a computer lab. Unfortunately most teachers today (older generation) are not up to date with the new technology and are unwilling to change their ways of teaching, without technology. I believe teaching technology in the classroom will become easier once everyone has learned and are willing to learn the means of technology.

There will constantly remain the problem of new technology and the difference between them. For example different computer brands such as PC’s and Macs will cause problems for students who have learned on one, then all of a sudden has to use the other one. It seems no matter how trained a person is in technology there will always be problems. The article sums up by saying, “By integrating new technology into technical communication curricula, communications programs have the opportunity to arm their students with the skills they need to be competitive in today’s job market. They also have the opportunity to take a lead position in analyzing the new media and its effect on communication and society.” I believe this is crucial. More and more innovative technology is made everyday. If we fail to teach students the basics early on then they, I believe, will struggle throughout their lifetime. Today, the Internet, word processor, and email are a major part of my life. If I did not learn what I did at an early age, I know for a fact I would be struggling today. There are so many means of technology in this world that we rely on, therefore it is essential to learn. By providing technology in the classroom from the beginning will help people succeed in their future.

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